
Rites of the Heart is committed to co-creating rituals that are authentic, accessible, and transformative.

There is no right or wrong way to connect to that which is greater than yourself.

There is only your way.

Elizabeth Suzanne Shapiro, LCSW

I envision a world where we care deeply about one another, and in order to do that, we need to care deeply about ourselves. I hold ritual as a sacred tool, that connects us to the divine around and within us. In connecting to spirit, we shed the layers of our false self and learn how to love who we really are.

I want you to remember who you really are.


Elizabeth has a Masters in Social Work from the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College in New York City. She completed her undergraduate studies in Psychology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a certified Yoga Teacher and Reiki Practitioner. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker committed to holistic healing.

Elizabeth completed a vision quest in Death Valley, Nevada as a personal rite of passage connecting her deeper to herself, her earth mother, and great mystery. Rites of the Heart was part of the medicine received during her time on the land.

Elizabeth is passionate about youth empowerment. She co-facilitates wilderness-based rites of passage and provides mentorship for young women. She has been trained in the way of council, and is working with a team of educators, parents, and change makers to bring council to her local schools.


Why Self Love matters

When we truly love ourselves, things in our life work better. When we love ourselves, we live a life where our words and actions are in alignment with our heart. We honor our standards for living and loving. Only when we love ourselves are we able to give and receive love. Only when we embody our standards for healthy partnership with ourselves are we able to be in truly nourishing intimate relationships with others.

Choose You. Choose Love.

No Wrong Way Rituals

Ritual is called for because our soul communicates things to us that the body translates as need, or want, or absence. So we enter into ritual in order to respond to
the call of the soul.
― Malidoma Patrice Somé,
Ritual: Power, Healing, & Community

Ritual is your birthright.

Ritual intelligence is engraved in your bones, waiting to be remembered.

Ceremony is anything you decide is precious. It is your attention and your intention that gives the ceremony power. There is no right or wrong way to engage in ceremony. There is only your way. Your vision. Your intention. Your unique way to connect to that which is greater than yourself.


It is through ritual that we know spirit. It is through ritual we know ourselves.

Your soul can’t wait any longer.

Are you ready to embody your divine wisdom?


Are you ready to awaken your ritual intelligence?

Let me know how I can support you and your precious heart
in this experience of being human.